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  • Morozov Nikita's avatar
    Nikita Morozov authored

    Ion SFU

    Go implementation of a WebRTC Selective Forwarding Unit

    Slack Widget GoDoc Coverage Status Go Report Card License: MIT

    A selective forwarding unit is a video routing service which allows webrtc sessions to scale more efficiently. This package provides a simple, flexible, high performance Go implementation of a WebRTC SFU. It can be called directly or through a gRPC or json-rpc interface.


    • Audio/Video/Datachannel forwarding
    • Congestion Control (TWCC, REMB, RR/SR)
    • Unified plan semantics
    • Pub/Sub Peer Connection (O(n) port usage)
    • Audio level indication (RFC6464). "X is speaking"

    End to end solutions

    ion-sfu is the engine behind several projects. It's designed to be focused, with minimal signaling or external dependencies. It's simple to embed ion-sfu within your service: we include a few examples inside cmd/signal.

    For "batteries-included", end-to-end solutions that are easier to deploy, check out:

    • LiveKit: Open source platform for real-time communication (SDKs for all major platforms)
    • Ion: Real-Distributed RTC System by pure Go and Flutter


    Run the Echo Test example

    docker-compose -f examples/echotest-jsonrpc/docker-compose.yaml up

    Open the client


    SFU with json-rpc signaling

    The json-rpc signaling service can be used to easily get up and running with the sfu. It can be used with the corresponding javascript signaling module.

    Using golang environment
    go build ./cmd/signal/json-rpc/main.go && ./main -c config.toml
    Using docker
    docker run -p 7000:7000 -p 5000-5200:5000-5200/udp pionwebrtc/ion-sfu:latest-jsonrpc

    SFU with gRPC signaling

    For service-to-service communication, you can use the grpc interface. A common pattern is to call the grpc endpoints from a custom signaling service.

    Using golang environment
    go build ./cmd/signal/grpc/main.go && ./main -c config.toml
    Using docker
    docker run -p 50051:50051 -p 5000-5200:5000-5200/udp pionwebrtc/ion-sfu:latest-grpc


    Answers to some Frequenty Asked Questions.


    To see some other ways of interacting with the ion-sfu instance, check out our examples.

    Media Processing

    ion-sfu supports real-time processing on media streamed through the sfu using ion-avp.

    For an example of recording a MediaStream to webm, checkout the save-to-webm example.


    MIT License - see LICENSE for full text


    Generate the protocol buffers and grpc code:

    1. Best choice (uses docker): make protos.
    2. Manually:
      • Install protocol buffers and the protcol buffers compiler. On Fedora dnf install protobuf protobuf-compiler.
      • go get
      • go get
      • protoc --go_out=. --go-grpc_out=. --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go-grpc_opt=paths=source_relative cmd/signal/grpc/proto/sfu.proto