ns3 App Store
ns3 App Store is a is a web application for a module database in ns-3. It is built with Python using the Django Web Framework.
This project has the following basic apps:
- accounts (handles user accounts - Sign In, Sign Up etc.)
- profiles (handles user profiles)
- appstore (handles core details of the web app)
- help (handles static pages like about, contact us)
- search (handles free text searching)
- apps (handles navigation of apps)
- backend (handles upload and bake integration of apps)
Quick start
To set up a development environment quickly, first install Python 3. It comes with virtualenv built-in. So create a virtual env by:
1. $ python3 -m venv appstore
2. $ . appstore/bin/activate
Install all dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run migrations:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Detailed instructions
Take a look at the wiki/docs for more information.