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fix: Demo data clearing by deepeshgarg007 [frappe] PR#41451

Bot Dokos requested to merge ft-pr-41451 into develop

Date: 2024-05-14 10:27:56+05:30

  • fix: Demo data clearing


Conflicts detected for source commit: d6fe220fabcd77f534efa28ddda18c7e676d8c97
- DU erpnext/setup/

Suspicious changes found (dokos|telemetry|shipping_rule|capture_doc|sentry|marketplace_apps|subscription_conf):
  77ed6a3c71885ad4ce67956e562c023b4bd9d4d4 fix: Demo data clearing

Checkout instructions
# Checkout locally
git fetch upstream
git switch ft-pr-41451

# Alternatively, re-take the changes
git switch develop
ft take ft-pr-41451

# Make changes then rebase
git rebase -i develop

# Fix or ignore conflicts
git checkout --theirs .
git rebase --continue

# Force-push changes
git push --force-with-lease

Merge request reports