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fix: add missing impl for is_column_missing by ankush [frappe] PR#26225

Bot Dokos requested to merge ft-pr-26225 into develop

Date: 2024-04-29 22:16:12+05:30

  • fix: add missing impl for is_column_missing (#26225)


pre-commit failed for source commit: dd82ab415c4cbbbf694bc10054284070fcc75562
Run ruff linter..........................................................Failed
- hook id: ruff
- exit code: 1

frappe/database/ RUF012 Mutable class attributes should be annotated with `typing.ClassVar`
frappe/database/ RUF012 Mutable class attributes should be annotated with `typing.ClassVar`
frappe/database/ RUF012 Mutable class attributes should be annotated with `typing.ClassVar`
Found 3 errors.

Checkout instructions
# Checkout locally
git fetch upstream
git switch ft-pr-26225

# Alternatively, re-take the changes
git switch develop
ft take ft-pr-26225

# Make changes then rebase
git rebase -i develop

# Fix or ignore conflicts
git checkout --theirs .
git rebase --continue

# Force-push changes
git push --force-with-lease

Merge request reports