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Changed to Debian stable.

Raden Muhammad Mu'az requested to merge gsoc into master

Summary: Changed image to stable

Install flow: Create container, Run, Restart container.

Steps adapted from, but to emulate restart as in original steps, run first run scripts manually then ds restart

apt-get -y install freedombox-setup
/usr/lib/freedombox/setup | tee freedombox-setup.log
sed -e 's/^use_x_forwarded_host = True/use_x_forwarded_host = False/' -i /etc/plinth/plinth.config 
sed -e 's/^secure_proxy_ssl_header = HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO/secure_proxy_ssl_header = None/' -i /etc/plinth/plinth.config

Then ds restart, then run another script to run all first-runs

for f in /usr/lib/freedombox/first-run.d/* ; do 

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