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apiraino requested to merge (removed):add-some-stress into main

hey! 👋

I've added some scripting I used to test a websocket. I've tested on your server (friendly 👼) but didn't have enough feedback to understand if I was sending the right message format. Anyway, this should be a start if you want to play a bit with it. I tried to make the README as clear as possible.

The scripts use some "bashisms", so remember to always use bash ./, they won't work with sh or others.

The scripts use websocat the only fast WS client from cli I could put to work in a shorttime. Ensure to run v2.0.0-alpha0 version.

I've included also a recipe for; locust gives you a nice graph but in my experience was resource intensive, more than the stresstesting itself! 😆

I'm not an expert on stresstesting so if you have suggestions to improve, glad to receive feedback! What I know is that to simulate a real world situation you should not establish many connections at once but rather connect X client every Y seconds (to simulate the incoming wave) and then the connected clients will hammer the server with many messages. You want to measure how long does it take for the client to receive an answer. websocat doesn't do that so you're blind in this respect, you can only measure the load on the server.

happy DDoSing 😛

Merge request reports