All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
6.2.0 (2020-02-09)
- support all explicit locking options for SELECT (c19b17c)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency commander to v4.1.0 (c7c3520)
- deps: update dependency commander to v4.1.1 (64d22d2)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v10.3.2 (b5d2d9e)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v10.4.3 (81b3d39)
- deps: update dependency pg-query-stream to v3 (2064bdb)
- decomposing a resultset missing a schema-defined field will not include explicit undefineds (ee34d87)
- deps: update dependency pg-query-stream to v2.1.2 (5a970a8)
6.1.4 (2019-12-11)
Bug Fixes
- support IN / NOT IN with an empty array (cc0aa6f)
6.1.3 (2019-12-01)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v10.3.1 (e86f923)
- give db clones a clean entityCache (0f15e61)
6.1.2 (2019-11-23)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency commander to v4.0.1 (c66d786)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v10 (6a6d265)
- get pk constraint info from pg_constraint instead of the information schema (fixes #702 (closed)) (98561f2)
- improve pk column recognition in isPkSearch (cacc514)
- throw on attempted primary key searches of relations without primary keys (fixes #703 (closed)) (40c1a8b)
- deps: update dependency commander to v4 (87fc6a7)
- deps: update dependency glob to v7.1.5 (f4ba198)
- deps: update dependency glob to v7.1.6 (5f35c27)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v9.3.6 (27888e6)
- deps: update dependency pg-query-stream to v2.0.1 (144cdf7)
- throw QueryFile errors (64355f1)
6.1.1 (2019-10-06)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v9.3.3 (487cda3)
- ensure common statement options are handled consistently (fixes #694 (closed)) (da1d29a)
- deps: update dependency commander to v3.0.2 (bc31e99)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v9.2.1 (b163abf)
6.1.0 (2019-09-14)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency commander to v3.0.1 (a0698df)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v9.1.2 (822b5a4)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v9.1.4 (e44e54f)
- select distinct (bd9fcf7)
6.0.0 (2019-09-01)


- resultset decomposition now creates descendants as arrays by default. The 'array' decomposition schema element is no longer recognized, and has been replaced by a 'decomposeTo' element. Set this latter to 'object' to create descendants as objects.
- deps: ES6 generators, and versions of Node prior to 7.6, are no longer supported.
- results used to be implicitly ordered by the relation's primary key, or otherwise by the first column. This is no longer the case; ordering must be specified if it is desired.
- supporting Readables which target more than one database relation has involved extensive changes to table loading, criteria parsing, and statement generation. These changes are intended to be backwards-compatible, but are marked as a breaking change because they cannot be guaranteed to be so.
- JSON fields were previously converted to text and sorted alphabetically.
Bug Fixes
- deps: update commander to v3 (a809736)
- deps: update coveralls and standard-version (2aaf10a)
- deps: update dependency lodash to v4.17.15 (e50b613)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v8.7.5 (5ccc343)
- deps: update eslint to 6.2.2 (e605d3a)
- deps: update pg-promise to 9.1.0 (9e5c8be)
- empty the entity cache on db.reload() (c986753)
- ignore dropped columns (2a63734)
- deps: update pg-promise to v9 (284bea6)
allow overriding the autogenerated join decomposition schema (2e84cb3)
automatically deep insert when targeting a compound Readable (3235498)
create compound Readables with Readable.join() (75ad213)
decompose with compound keys (e934444)
decomposeTo 'dictionary' transforms records into id:record maps (6165fb5)
open-ended decomposeTo instead of boolean array flag; default to arrays instead of objects (b4d4b30)
preserve type when ordering by JSON fields (2ef6dc7), closes #683 (closed)
use 'omit' in join schema for relations not wanted in the decomposed output (ce695d5)
don't add an ORDER BY clause unless explicitly called for (e78ecec)
6.0.0-rc.1 (2019-08-15)
Bug Fixes
- ignore dropped columns (8a1136b)
6.0.0-rc.0 (2019-08-13)


- resultset decomposition now creates descendants as arrays by default. The 'array' decomposition schema element is no longer recognized, and has been replaced by a 'decomposeTo' element. Set this latter to 'object' to create descendants as objects.
- deps: ES6 generators, and versions of Node prior to 7.6, are no longer supported.
- results used to be implicitly ordered by the relation's primary key, or otherwise by the first column. This is no longer the case; ordering must be specified if it is desired.
- supporting Readables which target more than one database relation has involved extensive changes to table loading, criteria parsing, and statement generation. These changes are intended to be backwards-compatible, but are marked as a breaking change because they cannot be guaranteed to be so.
- JSON fields were previously converted to text and sorted alphabetically.
Bug Fixes
- deps: update coveralls and standard-version (646c22c)
- empty the entity cache on db.reload() (2cb7164)
- deps: update commander to v3 (8734df4)
- deps: update dependency lodash to v4.17.15 (e50b613)
- deps: update pg-promise to v9 (041ebe6)
automatically deep insert when targeting a compound Readable (191f558)
create compound Readables with Readable.join() (286efc6)
decompose with compound keys (db1d95e)
open-ended decomposeTo instead of boolean array flag; default to arrays instead of objects (86e60a0)
preserve type when ordering by JSON fields (c286e03), closes #683 (closed)
use 'omit' in join schema for relations not wanted in the decomposed output (3d9ec65)
don't add an ORDER BY clause unless explicitly called for (29e2990)
5.11.2 (2019-07-17)
Bug Fixes
- initialize inserts with correct onConflictUpdateExclude option (d868714)
5.11.1 (2019-07-12)
Bug Fixes
- deps: update dependency lodash to v4.17.14 (9c8c0e8)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v8.7.3 (6699525)
- deps: update dependency pg-promise to v8.7.4 (3d829ea)
5.11.0 (2019-06-03)
Bug Fixes
- use full name for materialized view refresh() (985a30a)