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Integrate "Execute Insitux" message command

Patrick requested to merge phunanon/ida-guard-discord-bot:main into main

This proposed merge:

  • adds an "Execute Insitux" message command
  • refactors ICommand to ISlashCommand to make a distinction between the two
  • adds repl.ix to .gitignore, as repl.ix is the temporary file used to invoke Insitux with code

It also:

  • downgrades .NET to 6.0, as this is all I could support on my Raspberry Pi setup easily (feel free to ask for this to be omitted)
  • adds newlines to the end of any files I've visited

This update requires that Bun is installed on the host server, and that this command can be run from the terminal successfully:
bunx insitux -s -e "(version)"
This should print out the version Bun has downloaded and executed.
Bun has been chosen rather than NodeJS due to its measurably faster start-up time, to reduce the delay between the message command being executed and a response being given.

Insitux's new -s flag makes it safe for this use, disabling file and network I/O, arbitrary command execution, and other REPL-specific features.

Edited by Patrick

Merge request reports