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2023 fixes

hnizdil requested to merge hnizdil-public/cv:2023-fixes into master

Hi Dimitrie,

Found your excellent repository to generate LaTeX CVs using GitLab pipelines.

I tried your strages/pandoc-docker image, but couldn't get it to work. So I crafted Dockerfile to build minimal TeX Live image capable of generating CV and cover letter PDFs. I also created build job to build docker images on GitLab using kaniko. GitLab says resulting image has around 260 MB while on my M1 Macbook it's 626 MB. The difference probably stems from different architectures, but it's still way less than other images I found.

Other than that I only implemented minor changes to fix pandoc PDFs generation.

So I thought maybe you would want to merge those changes into your repository.

Take care.

Merge request reports