Hello! I am Daniel Helfand!
I am a Developer Advocate at GitLab. Prior to joining GitLab, I have worked in both engineering and developer relations roles. My main focus areas have been CI/CD, Kubernetes, and Golang. In my current work at GitLab, I help GitLab define platform engineering use cases around continuous delivery, internal developer portals, and security. Additionally, I help share platform engineering best practices with the GitLab community.
Social Media
You can reach me on the following social media channels:
Open Source Engineering Work
I worked on the following open source projects:
- Tekton - Maintainer of tkn (Tekton CLI)
- Carvel - Maintainer of kapp-controller project
- Argo - Contributed to Argo CD project
Content Creation
Check out some videos and blogs I have created showcasing cloud native technologies.
- Using a custom builder image on Red Hat OpenShift
- OpenShift Pipelines Tutorial using Tekton
- Using odo to deploy an application to OpenShift
- Carvel kapp-controller Demo - Kubernetes Package Management API
- Using Argo CD with vclusters
- Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld and Argo CD
- GitLab Operational Container Scanning Demo
- GitLab 17.8 - Protected Container Repositories
- How to use OCI images as the source of truth for continuous delivery
- How to stream logs through the GitLab Dashboard for Kubernetes
- Improve security auditing with GitLab Operational Container Scanning
- Using a custom builder image on Red Hat OpenShift with OpenShift Do
- How to use odo the developer-centric CLI with OpenShift 4
- Provisioning and Using vclusters with Carvel
- Using Argo CD with vclusters
- Preventing Tag Mutation With kbld And Argo CD
- GitLab Showcases AI-Powered DevSecOps Platform: Key Insights for KubeCon + CloudNativeCon 2024
- Unlocking the Full Potential of Container Vulnerability Scans
Personal projects
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Pronouns: he/him/his
It's all about the experience.
Developer Advocate at GitLab
Chicago, IL, USA
7:57 AM
Member since July 08, 2024