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Snippets Groups Projects
Davide Cariola

Davide Cariola

Online repository di Davide Cariola, Junior Full-Stack Web Developer. Troverete qui progetti vecchi e nuovi

  • Python
  • Art Gallery

    Minimal gallery made with only HTML 5, CSS 3 and JavaScript, without bootstrap or other framework.

  • Laravel Nova Blog

    A case study for a Laravel Nova base blog, made with Laravel 8, Nova 3.0, HTML 5, CSS3 and Bootstrap.

  • Laravel Reverb Demo
  • laravel-day-2023

    Progetto da presentare a Laravel Day 2023

  • meteoLive

    A simple web app, made with HTML 5, CSS 3 and vanilla Javascript, linked with an OpenWeather API.

  • Presto

    Ad site made with Laravel 8 including HTML 5, CSS 3, Javascript, Bootstrap 5 and Google Vision API. Made in SCRUM agile methodology, it allows the user to register themselves, login, logout, insert an ad, see other ads and became a revisor.

  • Presto Solo Frontend

    Frontend simulation of an Ad site, created with HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5, Javascript and JSON files

  • Livewire

    An Ad website made with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Laravel 9 and Livewire

  • Project Red

    Basic showcase site made HTML 5, CSS3, Bootstrap e Javascript

  • proSMILE

    Showcase site made with Laravel 8, including HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5, Javascript and working contact form

  • Scaffolding Fortify Bootstrap 5

    Automatically creates a full scaffolding with Laravel Fortify and Bootstrap 5

  • Sito Personale - DEPRECATED

    Personal site, made with HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 5 e JavaScript

  • Sito personale rinnovato

    Personal site, made with Laravel 8, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and other libraries