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Add Renku PEP; update contract structure; add KMS; refactor POC directory

Martin Fontanet requested to merge dev-20220520MF into dev-20211028MF

This PR brings the following changes:

  • Add a Renku PEP that authenticates users with Keycloak and OpenID Connect, and starts sessions on Renku. The PEP can mount S3 buckets on behalf of users
  • Update the contract structure to make it more functional: function becomes a "core attribute" of the Verb struct, owner becomes a "core attribute" of the Object struct
  • Add a KMS (Key Management Service) that stores users public keys in the database. The KMS is currently very basic and does not provide any authentication mechanism. It is there for a demonstration purpose
  • Refactor some of the directories: some services (such as the UCM user interface) have been moved to the POC directory
Edited by Martin Fontanet

Merge request reports