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  • Jack Phoenix's avatar
    Some modernization & code cleanup · e8636673
    Jack Phoenix authored and Samantha's avatar Samantha committed
    * Move the Preloader class into its own file + add $wgAutoloadClasses entry
    * Coding style tweaks, as per MediaWiki's coding conventions
    * Converted from PHP-based i18n to JSON i18n
    * Version 1.3 with the appropriate changelog entries and whatnot
    * Deprecated Preloader.php (but didn't fully remove it yet) in favor of extension.json -- MediaWiki 1.25 or newer is now required for this extension
    * Added myself into authors
    * Changed the Special:Version URL back to as it should be the canonical location for extension (and skin etc.) documentation; since this is an updated version of [[mw:Extension:Preloader]] it should be no problem to update that page to point to the correct repository etc.
    * Tweak the README file to account for new MW requirements + extension loading method
    * Fix $wgPreloaderSource so that it works again ( HT @legoktm )
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.