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Solid queue

Marek Kasztelnik requested to merge solid_queue into main

Migrate from sidekiq to solid_queue. The main reason for the migration is connected with unique jobs, available in Sidekiq Pro but not in the community version. I'm aware of but it does not play nicely with active jobs we are using.


  • to solid queue
  • use mission control to show job statuses
  • use recurring jobs instead of clock (eliminate this dependency)
  • fine-tune solid queue configuration (number of workers, priorities, etc.)

Maybe not in this MR:

  • unique jobs for updating job statuses


  • AdminApplicationController was added to check if user is an admin (and redirect back if not). It is used as a base class for the mission_controll-jobs. Thanks to this configuration I was able to eliminate User.find_by during the routes initialization (made in every root request).
  • admin/jobs has no application layout right now - it is possible to add a layout but I don't see a point for it since this view is only for internal ("MEE root" level) usage.
Edited by Marek Kasztelnik

Merge request reports