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Added possibility to populate a NET architecture from Rolltables

t.wagner (High123) requested to merge twagner-netarch-rolltables into dev
  • Added a compendium for Rolltables used for the generation of NET architectures. The tables are in the book page 211.
    • There is no need to import the compendium. It pulls the data directly from the compendium.
  • Added the functionality to automatically populate a NET architecture item from those Rolltables.
    • Number of floors is rolled with 3d6 (see page 210)
    • Number of branches is rolled according to the rules written in the book, but capped at 8.
    • There should always be a longest branch, so that there is a "bottom" for the NET architecture
    • Branches only start branching of after the second floor and multiple branches do not start on the same floor.


Merge request reports