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Remove DV Table Translation Generation from Babele

valkeryie666 requested to merge valkeryie666/remove-dv-tables-from-babele into master


This an issue with DV tables being set to N/A. This ensures DV tables still work between languages for now until we investigate further or deem this is enough.

Additionally, fixes an issue in Diwako's Core Additions where it could not find DV tables in another language other than English.

  • This is meant for a hotfix
  • This is meant for the next release (see milestone)
  • This needs more reviewers than normal; there may be controversy or high complexity
  • This intentionally introduces regressions that will be addressed later
  • There is/will be documentation changes on the wiki
  • Please do not send commits here without coordinating closely with the owner
  • This is a Build System change

Related Issues

Steps to Test

  1. Checkout/ Build /Load
  2. Launch World / Install Babele
  3. Switch to other language (Spanish works well).
  4. Create character and add a couple guns to the sheet
  5. Check the DV table setting on one of the tables, confirm it is correct for the weapon: ie DV Pistol for a Pistol
  6. Change the language back to English
  7. Confirm the DV table setting has not changed


  1. Download and enable Diwako's Core Additions
  2. Follow steps 1-7
  3. Create an enemy mook
  4. Place the character and mook on a scene
  5. Have the character shoot the mook
  6. You should see a message when they miss or not
  7. Change to English
  8. Shoot again
  9. You should see another message

Future Work

Migration maybe?

Edited by valkeryie666

Merge request reports