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Sanitize Item Descriptions with EnrichedText

Ryan Walder requested to merge ryanw/item-tooltip into master


  • Creates a new TextUtils util class
    • Moves StripHtml to this util
    • Add new sanitizeEnrichedText util
  • Renames cprStripHtml hbs helper to cprSanitizeText
    • Updatwes all references of cprStripHtml > cprSanitizeText






  • This is meant for a hotfix
  • This is meant for the next release (see milestone)
  • This needs more reviewers than normal; there may be controversy or high complexity
  • This intentionally introduces regressions that will be addressed later
  • There is/will be documentation changes on the wiki
  • Please do not send commits here without coordinating closely with the owner
  • This is a Build System change

Related Issues

Steps to Test

  1. Checkout / Build / Load
  2. Create Item in character sheet
  3. Update Description with Enriched HTML stuff (drag items, actors scenes into description)
  4. Save / Close Item
  5. Hover over item in sheet
    • EnrichedText elemnts just show the name now @UUID(foobar){Baz} > Baz
Edited by Ryan Walder

Merge request reports