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Query functionality: user_stories#621

Esha Datta requested to merge feature/grant_query_functionality into grants

This is work to fulfill the requirements for the user story referenced above. I do have 2 questions both for query.description:

  • In order for it to work, I had to change the property for description in the mapping to text. This will require a re-index.
  • I ran into a problem with the file, content-created2 when I was running tests. This apparently has two description elements in the xml but when it's indexed (before the changes I made), it was not getting the strings. It was just returning an element object. This seems to be a bug in general because it's not storing the description in ES. The problem seems to be with the select function here when I was looking into it.
  • In order for the tests to pass and to mimic the behavior of description for the above file, I added this if statement to allow for both files to index and for the query functionality. I'm happy to talk more about this as well since I'm not sure if that actually covers it. All tests pass, so it seems like things are being accounted for according to the codebase.
Edited by Esha Datta

Merge request reports