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  • Martin Eve's avatar
    📝 chore(.gitignore): add initial set of ignored files and directories · 5ab02242
    Martin Eve authored
    📝 docs: add file
    📝 feat( add launcher script for retraction watch import
    📝 chore: add requirements.txt file
    The `.gitignore` file is updated to include a comprehensive list of files and directories that should be ignored by Git. This helps to keep the repository clean and avoid committing unnecessary files.
    A `` file is added to the repository to specify the licensing terms for the software. This file includes the copyright notice and permission conditions.
    A `` script is added to the repository. This script imports the necessary modules and runs the `import_logic` function from the `retraction_watch_import` module. The script is instrumented with the `longsight` library for monitoring and logging purposes.
    A `requirements.txt` file is added to the repository to specify the dependencies required by the project
    📦 chore( add file
     feat( add DAG for importing retractions
    The file is added to the repository. It contains a DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) definition for importing retractions. The DAG is scheduled to run daily and has a timeout of 16 hours. It imports necessary dependencies and defines a task for running the import process. The import process reads a CSV file, processes each row, and writes the retraction information to S3. The process includes extracting DOI and MD5, extracting fields from the CSV, generating an about block, creating a JSON template, and appending the retraction information to an index.
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