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  • Martin Eve's avatar
    📝 docs(.gitignore,, add gitignore, changelog, and license files · 05bf017f
    Martin Eve authored
    This commit adds a .gitignore file to ignore unnecessary files and directories, a file to document notable changes to the project, and a file to specify the project's license.
    🎉 feat( add initial version of
    🎉 feat(pyproject.toml): add initial version of pyproject.toml
    🎉 feat(requirements.txt): add initial version of requirements.txt
    🎉 feat(setup.cfg): add initial version of setup.cfg
    🎉 feat(src/claws/ add initial version of
    This commit adds the initial version of the following files:
    - A markdown file that provides an overview of the Claws module, its features, requirements, installation instructions, usage examples, and licensing information.
    - pyproject.toml: A TOML file that specifies the project metadata, dependencies, and URLs.
    - requirements.txt: A text file that lists the required dependencies for the Claws module.
    - setup.cfg: A configuration file that specifies the metadata and options for the setuptools package.
    - src/claws/ An empty Python
     feat( add AWSConnector class with deferred init and async s3 object download
    The AWSConnector class is added to connect to AWS. It has a deferred init function that will be called when the first property is accessed. This is done to accelerate the test suite as boto3 has slow startup times. The class has properties for s3_client, cloudwatch_client, s3_resource, s3_session, and bucket. It also has a function to download s3 objects asynchronously and a function to get multiple s3 objects in parallel. Finally, it has a function to get the s3 object as a string and a function to get a json key from the s3 key.
    🚨 test( add unit tests for AWSConnector class
    This commit adds unit tests for the AWSConnector class in the file. The tests cover the download_s3_obj, _get_tasks, get_multiple_s3_objs, and s3_obj_to_str methods. The tests ensure that the methods work as expected and that the correct values are returned. The tests also cover error handling for the s3_obj_to_str method.
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