Show file path in the info bar at the bottom
Created by: d3rrial
I haven't created functionality to disable this from the configuration, so this should probably go on a ToDo list...
I added this because I think it's helpful to know which folder I'm working in. I have jucipp cloned 4 times on my drive, one that's just the standard cppit/jucipp clone and 3 working copies (partially from my fork) and it isn't immediately apparant which one I'm working on, unless I go into the "open folder" dialog or search the files for changes I've made.
The path it shows is always the one the cursor is currently in, same as the line-column indicator next to it. If I've understood your code correctly, the path label should only be updated when the view is changed, but I'm not sure, please look over it if possible :)
Edit: Tested with split mode and in debug mode with a very small window size. The debug status will be pushed off-center by this, but it remains readable. And split mode works just as intended, the path of the file which has the cursor is shown.