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Suggestions for the JOSS article

Mathias Malandain requested to merge joss-article-proof into joss-article


A lot of changes here are basically nitpicking, but more importantly, they are mere suggestions. Cherrypicking is absolutely fine with me.

Specific points

  • Changed formatting for Guy de Spiegeleer's entry in the authors list, as the recommended format (with given-names, dropping-particle and surname) was doing something terribly wrong to affiliations in the compiled paper (previewed on the Whedon service).
  • In the last sentence of the summary, "mode transitions" seemed better than "phase transitions", as the word "phase" is tainted by various semantics (think wave physics vs thermodynamics, for instance).
  • Statement of need, paragraph 1: Promoted the agility of the design process as a stringent need instead of a desired feature.
  • Drivers, last paragraph: Removed mention of non-existent (sub)section "Design and Simulation Features", probably dross from a previous version.
  • Dynamic and multimode systems, paragraph 3: Replaced "dedicated" with "tailor-made", which is way more telling IMO.

Merge request reports