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New UI

Guy Boldon requested to merge new-ui into main

New Feature

What does this MR do?

This MR introduces a whole suit of features along with a new UI. This does not remove the current UI, which is to be done after further testing. Things are far enough along though that these changes should be merged into main and should live alongside the exiting implementations. The daemon has also received many updates, of which all should be backward compatible, and it would hinder fixes/development to keep these branches separate much longer.

Before merging the package build scripts and pipeline docker images need to be adjusted and tested working to allow for beta-preview access from the daemon.

Related issues

Relates to #124 (closed) #220 (closed)


  • Application works as expected when running from source
  • There are dependency changes
  • Liquidctl device mock tests are successful (if applicable)
  • Any needed documentation changes have been made
  • This MR is ready to be merged
Edited by Guy Boldon

Merge request reports