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  • Jin Chang's avatar
    ENH: Restructuring of a lot of code. · 4e3d5715
    Jin Chang authored and Alexander Tygesen's avatar Alexander Tygesen committed
    Restructured the __init__ files, and how imports are done.
    Upped version number to 0.10.0.
    Added "Deprecated" as new dependency.
    Added new "dev" extras to
    Started migrating tests to pytest, including the gitlab CI.
    Fixed some formatting issues and errors in the doc build.
    Added "old" imports with a deprecation warning
    Dangerous defaults are now gone, and tested for explicitly in the CI.
    Created new folders "regression" and "settings" for related modules.
    Introduced pre-commit which uses YAPF and prospector to inspect new commits.
    YAPF has made major automatic stylistic changes to the code-base.
    Increased max characters per line to 100.