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ezoom: Add support for tracking notifications

This adds support for tracking notifications to focuspoll and ezoom, guarded by an option in ezoom. The behavior is that when a notification appears (e.g. from mate-notification-daemon), the zoom area moves to show it if it's not already visible. If no other event moved the area after a configurable delay, the area comes back to the previous position before the move to show the notification. It's also possible to configure a delay during which the zoom is "stuck" on the notification, in order to avoid missing a notification when generating a stream of events.

To test this:

  1. Enable plugin Enhanced Zoom Desktop
  2. In its Focus Tracking tab, check Enable focus tracking
  3. In its Notifications tab, check Track notifications
  4. Zoom in (Super+WheelUp by default), in an area where you wouldn't see a notification
  5. Wait for a notification. No, I'm kidding, we'll create one for testing: notify-send Hello.

What you'll see is that the zoomed area moves to show the notification, and if you don't do anything after 7s (by default), you're moved back to where you were before. If you keep on generating input events, you'll be stuck on the notification for 2s (again, by default) before you get to wherever is the new location for the input events.

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