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Create a common UI library

Bart Jeukendrup requested to merge feature/added-common-ui into master

This merge request involves the introduction of a common-ui folder which contains generic React components that are usable by different parts of the NLX frontend. These components are also reusable by other projects.

  • The common-ui will be downloadable and usable as a separate NPM package called @nlxio/common-ui.
  • It contains a Storybook that is used for developing and testing new components.
  • There are also some instructions how to use and contribute to common-ui.
  • Based on decission in #363 (closed), add information about use of i18next in NLX project into README file. The common-ui components should be language independent and will receive the labels/text from the specific page (component) where these are used. The page components are project specific and will take care about loading information in selected language.

Finally we are considering the introduction of lerna.js. This tool can help us manage the multiple NPM environments within the NLX repository.

This closes #360 (closed) and #362 (closed)

EDIT: The last two points

Edited by Fabian

Merge request reports