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Adding detection of ARO, and skip some tests

Maxim Burgerhout requested to merge (removed):aro_detection into master

Adding detection of ARO by checking for the openshift-azure-logging namespace, along the way fixing a small typo in the error test for the namespace list.

For ARO clusters, the SELinux and basic-auth tests should be skipped, as ARO is a managed service without direct SSH access to the masters.

Status of SELinux and basic-auth can be checked through oc debug node/$master, but this is not currently possible over SSH.

The test for load balancer creation can be skipped for OpenShift clusters in the public cloud: on public cloud deployments, through integration with available load balancer services, on-demand creation of load balancers is always possible. As ARO clusters can only run in Azure, ARO clusters can always create load balancers on demand.

Finally, ARO clusters are always deployed with and indeed require a highly available control plane, so that test can be skipped as well.

Merge request reports