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WY Loyalty Implant Bugfix


🆑 TheFlyingFlail

tweak: Adjusted the access restriction of the WY Loyalty Implant Box

bugfix: Fixed an issue where the WY Implant case was unable to be opened by Corporation Liason.



The bugfix seeks to allow the Corporation Liason access to the WY Loyalty implants that are located within his sleeping quarters. Previously, corporation liaisons were unable to open the WY Loyalty implant box due to the access restrictions set to people with brig access. Understandably, the corporation liaison would need to seek out help from either MP or Senior officers in order to open the implant box which hinted at potentially nefarious actions of the corporation liaison. The changes now allow only people with WY Corporation access to open and close the box allowing for more RP possibilities for the corporation liaison.


/obj/item/storage/lockbox/loyalty name = "\improper lockbox of W-Y implants" req_access = list(ACCESS_WY_CORPORATE)

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