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Gladiator ERT Update


🆑 theflyingflail

rscadd: Added new gladiator armor item

rscadd: Added new gladiator and hunter armor in pred ship cells

tweak: Gladiator loadout to include first aid pouch

tweak: Gladiator helmet now has increased protection

tweak: Gladiator now has crowbar stored in the belt

tweak: Gladiators now have hunter chain mail undersuit

tweak: hunger games code due to gladiator armor and loadout changes

tweak: Removed holy hand grenade from gladiator champion (nanu request)





  • Basically, this MR seeks to make the gladiator armor actually useful. It's in the predator ships and in hunger games but provides nothing in the way of protection making it more fluffy than actually serving a purpose. In addition, I also updated the gladiator ERT as a result of the new armor

Whats New

  • As you might have guessed by now the gladiator armor now has actual protection. It basically shares the same stats as riot armor with protection stripped down to just melee protection and internal protection. The slowdown from the riot armor it borrowed its characteristics on was removed being that any melee mob needs speed to actually pose a threat and to dodge attacks.
  • Hunter Mesh Undersuit was made the default undersuit for the gladiators being that the armor previously held the title of the undersuit. This was made as an aesthetic choice that suits rather well given the character of the role.
  • First Aid pouches were given to gladiators given that they do not have anything in the way of medications when they spawn. They have taken the place of the crowbar which now resides in the belt slot.
  • Predator Ships new and old now have the updated armor and the prisoner cells have been updated accordingly. This should provide the WL with an added 5 seconds of entertainment given that their captives now can survive the extra hit or two. **Micilanious **
  • Given the changes to the code Hunter Games was updated to accommodate for the changes to the armor. The hunter games now feature the new armor and hunter mesh undersuit.

Related Issues

  • Predators not capturing enough people for fights on the ship. Closes
Edited by Johnson Jay

Merge request reports