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Draft: Charger crusher 2: defibbed


🆑 TheDonkified and Lumdor

rscadd: Charger strain for crusher.

experiment: Charger functions very similarly to old crusher. Hold movement key and after a while you gain momentum to ram humans and certain objects. Behavior upon collision with different things are subject to change.

experiment: Passive 1: Directional armor. Charger has 45 frontal armor, 30 side armor, and 20 rear armor. Because of this ability, charger crusher is unable to direction lock itself.

experiment: Active 1: Toggle Charging. Use this ability to toggle charging on and off.

experiment: Active 2: Tumble. Clicking to the side of where the crusher is facing will launch it 2 tiles to the side in the clicked direction. Hitting a human will knock them over. This ability can be used while charge to quickly offset yourself. However, it will reset your momentum to 0.


🆑 TotalEpicness

bugfix: Revived charger strain from MR hell. Fixed various bugs.

rscadd: Tumble now has cool sound effects and a spin.

wip: Added tumble ability sprites

tweak: Charger now takes 3 full hits to destroy a normal wall instead of destroying it in pretty much one. Xeno walls take half damage

experiment: Active 3: Charger stomp. Unlike the base crusher, it does not stun, but does heavy damage to any human unfortunate enough to be under the charger, it also applies a mild screen shake to any humans in view and can be used to help escape.

bugfix: Added dozens of handle_collision procs for pretty much every conceivable situation in which a charger will charge an item that should be breakable.

rscadd: Xenos blocking a charger's path when charger get pushed to the side, if no clear path to move to exists, they get flicker stunned so that charger may charge.



"This is subject to change. Tumble might get tweaked and the strain may be given more passive and active abilities. However, the baseline is that you hold move key and you destroy shit."

defibbed this MR defib_charge

on ALLAH, I will get the charger crusher merged no matter what.

Credit to @thedonkified and Lumdor, I just fixed it up.

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Edited by TotalEpicness

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