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434 delete cloud account

What's included

  • feat(delete cloud account): 434 delete cloud account

    • add delete to accountServices, related redux and testing
    • rename archive to delete, update list view kebab dropdown
    • accountDeleteModal component
    • accountEditModal component updates, redux related
    • make toast behavior consistent for all account edit modals
    • rename accountEditModalReducers to accountEditReducers
    • rename accountEditModal directory to accountEditModals
    • fix helper message response formatting for 500 status errors
    • minor breakout and clean up for scss files
    • mod for testing missing required attributes
    • unit testing and snapshots
  • feat(accountService): add delete method
    • add accountService delete account method
    • accountService annotations, testing mock responses
    • test updated
  • ~~feat(image service): add account image service
    • dotenv setup
    • api types updated, added snapshot check for api types
    • accountService annotations for testing mock responses
    • accountView, missing state prop reference
    • tests & snapshots updated, related changes
  • fix(review mode): Updated directions for reviewing features

    • Updated directions for reviewing features
    • readme directions
    • dotenv review
  • fix(formField, toolbar, toolbarFilter): package dependencies updated
    • build package dependencies updated
    • component & test updates based off package dependency updates

How to test

The review setup can be used to help a quick confirmation. You'll need a login, or access to a Cloudigrade instance.

  1. Clone the updates locally, then
  2. From the terminal, within the repo context, run $ yarn start:review
  3. You may need to log in, do so

The mock dev setup can be used to help a quick confirmation.

  1. Clone the updates locally, then
  2. From the terminal, within the repo context, run $ yarn start
  3. You may need to log in, do so
    • Note: the local dev server will take any combo of email/made up password to log in
  4. It's important to note the mock server only responds with static responses. Performing a delete will have to be confirmed by viewing the console log, then checking to make sure the corresponding ID and 204 http status was returned. (the Accounts' list items will not visually update). To check for an error code add the line
    • * @apiMock {ForceStatus} 500 to line 64 of the file src/services/accountServices.js






Updates issue/story

Updates #434

Edited by CD Cabrera

Merge request reports