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  • l3uddz's avatar
    Integrate vue-ui into project (#11) · a8172e2e
    l3uddz authored
    * Web: Hookup vue ui
    * Release: Tweaks to push retry
    * Makefile build web ui
    * Makefile improve performance
    * Implemented log message filtering functionality on respective columns
    * Makefile web cd instead of cwd
    * Web: Forward everything on /* to the trackarr vue ui
    Any handlers we setup will take precendence over this catch-all
    * Web: Forward all request methods to spa
    * Makefile fix dependency on changed files
    * Web: Dynamically generate the websocket url
    * Web: UI will use dynamic variables based on build mode
    * Web: Use corect favicon
    * Web: Various changes to logs / socket handling
    Added unsubscribe callback to websocket server.
    * Database: Log fix with database save
    * Web: refactor websocket into its own package
    * Websocket: further refactoring
    * Web: Add base for live release processing
    * UI: change title to just trackarr
    * Web: Add toastr
    * Web: Increase default timeout
    * Web: Remove default toas...