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Resolve "Javascript ffi can fail when using jsForceFetch with a very small 64 bit integer and tracing the result."

Camil Staps requested to merge 126-toString-of-JSInt-SmallestInt into main

What does this MR do?

Fixes #126 (closed). The toString instance for JSInt incorrectly assumed that the absolute value of the argument was positive, while abs SmallestInt = SmallestInt.

Changes to public APIs


Author's checklist (required)

  • If bugs have been solved, tests have been added (guidelines)
  • A changelog entry has been added (guidelines)
  • Newly added code is documented (guidelines)
  • Newly added code has a style consistent with the rest of the repository
  • Intermediate commits compile (use git rebase -i main if not)

Related issues

Closes #126 (closed)

Merge request reports