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Support specifying tree architectures

example database index:

    template: trees/foo.xml.j2
    arches: .*
    template: trees/bar.xml.j2
    arches: .*
    template: trees/baz.j2
      - x86_64
      - aarch64
      - ppc64.*

And error when a case is expection a different arch than the tree has available

kpet.schema.Invalid: One of case patterns
match an unavailable tree/arch combination
In suite: /acpi/acpitable test
In case: ACPI table test
The arch: s390x
The tree: baz
The avaliable arches: ['x86_64', 'aarch64', 'ppc64', 'ppc64le']

Posting this as a WIP since there is much to discuss and fix at the moment, for example the error above might be unwanted since the test matched all arches and many trees yet this says it's not correct because a single tree doesn't support all arches

I suppose that should instead work so that the exception is raised if the only matching arch is the unavailible one

Also line 410 question: Do we want the 'trees: arches:' regexes to all match a arch or have them combined match at least a single arch?

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