redhat/configs: enable xr_serial on rhel
The xr_serial driver has been requested to enable RHEL into supporting an USB-to-Serial device interface used on older devices.
Signed-off-by: Desnes Nunes
Merge request reports
added SignoffOK label
added Configuration label
DCO Signoff Check Report SignoffOK
The DCO Signoff Check for all commits and the MR description has PASSED.
Updated 2024-11-08 20:44 UTC by signoff - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels
ACK/NACK Summary: AcksOK
Approved by:
- José Ignacio Tornos Martínez (jtornosm)
Satisfied Approvals:
- Approval Rule "usb" already has 1 ACK(s) (0 required).
Merge Request has all necessary non-bot Approvals.
Updated 2024-11-11 09:02 UTC by ack_nack - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF BotCKI Pipelines Status: CKIOK
Blocking pipelines
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKI_CentOSOK c10s_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide::OK" rawhide_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Debug::OK" rawhide_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_16k::OK" rawhide_16k_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_16k_Debug::OK" rawhide_16k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Clang::OK" rawhide_clang_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Clang_Debug::OK" rawhide_clang_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RTOK c10s_realtime_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RT_DebugOK c10s_realtime_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64kOK c10s_64k_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64k_DebugOK c10s_64k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_DebugOK c10s_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN::OK" eln_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_Debug::OK" eln_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_64k::OK" eln_64k_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_64k_Debug::OK" eln_64k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_RT::OK" eln_realtime_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_RT_Debug::OK" eln_realtime_debug_merge_request was successful.
Non-blocking pipelines
Failed pipelines
These pipelines have failed or been canceled.
CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTOWarning rawhide_clanglto_merge_request failed at the build stage.
Build: aarch64
Compiler: clang version 19.1.0 (Fedora 19.1.0-1.fc42)
Command: rpmbuild --target aarch64 --with clang_lto --with up --with base --with toolchain_clang --without trace --without arm64_16k --without arm64_64k --without debug --without realtime --without zfcpdump
Full build log:
Log excerpt:
Log excerpt too long, please check x86_64
Compiler: clang version 19.1.0 (Fedora 19.1.0-1.fc42)
Command: rpmbuild --target x86_64 --with clang_lto --with up --with base --with toolchain_clang --without trace --without arm64_16k --without arm64_64k --without debug --without realtime --without zfcpdump
Full build log:
Log excerpt:
Log excerpt too long, please check
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_Debug::OK" rawhide_clanglto_debug_merge_request was successful.
Updated 2024-11-08 23:44 UTC by ckihook - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIRunning CKI_CentOSRunning CKI_ELNRunning CKI_ELN_64kRunning CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RTRunning CKI_RawhideRunning CKI_Rawhide_16kRunning CKI_Rawhide_16k_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_DebugRunning labels and removed CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels
added MergeOK label
Mergeability Summary: MergeOK
This MR can be merged cleanly to its target branch.
Updated 2024-11-08 20:44 UTC by mergehook - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels and removed CKIRunning CKI_64kRunning CKI_64k_DebugRunning CKI_CentOSRunning CKI_DebugRunning CKI_ELNRunning CKI_ELN_64kRunning CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_RTRunning CKI_ELN_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RTRunning CKI_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RawhideRunning CKI_Rawhide_16kRunning CKI_Rawhide_16k_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTORunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_Clang_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_DebugRunning MergeOK labels
added AcksNeedsReview label
Affected subsystem(s): usb
Requesting review of subsystem usb with 0 required approval(s) from user(s) @bnocera @jtornosm
Created 2024-11-08 20:44 UTC by ack_nack - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added CKIRunning CKI_64kRunning CKI_64k_DebugRunning CKI_CentOSRunning CKI_DebugRunning CKI_ELNRunning CKI_ELN_64kRunning CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_RTRunning CKI_ELN_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RTRunning CKI_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RawhideRunning CKI_Rawhide_16kRunning CKI_Rawhide_16k_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTORunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_Clang_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_DebugRunning labels and removed CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels
added MergeOK label
removed CKI_64k_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning label
added CKI_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning labels
removed CKI_ELN_64kRunning label