Add logic for building RT kernel on Fedora
Add config and specfile changes to build kernel-rt packages on Fedora.
Signed-off-by: Clark Williams
Merge request reports
requested review from @jstancek, @jmflinuxtx, and @lgoncalv
assigned to @clrkwllms
added CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels
ACK/NACK Summary: AcksOK
Approved by:
- Justin M. Forbes (jmflinuxtx)
- Jan Stancek (jstancek)
Satisfied Approvals:
- Approval Rule "redhat" already has 2 ACK(s) (1 required).
- Approval Rule "fedora" already has 1 ACK(s) (1 required).
Merge Request has all necessary non-bot Approvals.
Updated 2024-10-29 21:53 UTC by ack_nack - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF BotCKI Pipelines Status: CKIOK
Blocking pipelines
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKI_CentOSOK c10s_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide::OK" rawhide_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Debug::OK" rawhide_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_16k::OK" rawhide_16k_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_16k_Debug::OK" rawhide_16k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Clang::OK" rawhide_clang_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_Clang_Debug::OK" rawhide_clang_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RTOK c10s_realtime_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RT_DebugOK c10s_realtime_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64kOK c10s_64k_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64k_DebugOK c10s_64k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_DebugOK c10s_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN::OK" eln_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_Debug::OK" eln_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_64k::OK" eln_64k_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_64k_Debug::OK" eln_64k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_RT::OK" eln_realtime_merge_request was successful.
- ~"CKI_ELN_RT_Debug::OK" eln_realtime_debug_merge_request was successful.
Non-blocking pipelines
Failed pipelines
These pipelines have failed or been canceled.
CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTOWarning rawhide_clanglto_merge_request failed at the build stage.
Build: aarch64
Compiler: clang version 19.1.0 (Fedora 19.1.0-1.fc42)
Command: rpmbuild --target aarch64 --with clang_lto --with up --with base --with toolchain_clang --without trace --without arm64_16k --without arm64_64k --without debug --without realtime --without zfcpdump
Full build log:
Log excerpt:
Log excerpt too long, please check x86_64
Compiler: clang version 19.1.0 (Fedora 19.1.0-1.fc42)
Command: rpmbuild --target x86_64 --with clang_lto --with up --with base --with toolchain_clang --without trace --without arm64_16k --without arm64_64k --without debug --without realtime --without zfcpdump
Full build log:
Log excerpt:
Log excerpt too long, please check
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- ~"CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_Debug::OK" rawhide_clanglto_debug_merge_request was successful.
Updated 2024-10-30 21:22 UTC by ckihook - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIRunning CKI_64k_DebugRunning CKI_CentOSRunning CKI_ELNRunning CKI_ELN_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_DebugRunning CKI_ELN_RTRunning CKI_ELN_RT_DebugRunning CKI_RTRunning CKI_RawhideRunning CKI_Rawhide_16kRunning CKI_Rawhide_16k_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTORunning CKI_Rawhide_ClangLTO_DebugRunning CKI_Rawhide_DebugRunning labels and removed CKIMissing CKI_RawhideMissing labels
added MergeOK label
Mergeability Summary: MergeWarning
There are other pending MRs that conflict with this one. Please discuss possible merge solutions with the author(s) of the other merge request(s).
MR !3461 (merged) from @jfaracco (
redhat: Add automotive build and packaging logic
) conflicts with this MR.- CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in redhat/kernel.spec.template
Updated 2024-10-31 01:43 UTC by mergehook - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIFailed CKI_ELN_RT::Failedmerge labels and removed CKIRunning label
removed CKI_ELN_RTRunning label
added CKI_64k_Debug::Failedmerge label
removed CKI_64k_DebugRunning label
added CKI_RT::Failedmerge label
removed CKI_RTRunning label
added CKI_Debug::Failedmerge label
removed CKI_DebugRunning label
added CKI_ELN_Debug::Failedmerge CKI_RT_Debug::Failedmerge labels
removed CKI_ELN_DebugRunning CKI_RT_DebugRunning labels