spec: make sure posttrans script doesn't fail if /boot is non-POSIX
The Boot Loader Specification recommends that UEFI systems mount the ESP at /boot. Since the ESP is commonly formatted with a non-POSIX file system, symbolic links should not be placed on /boot.
ref: https://uapi-group.org/specifications/specs/boot_loader_specification
Signed-off-by: Gregory Bartholomew gregory.lee.bartholomew@gmail.com
Merge request reports
Hi! This is the friendly CKI test bot.
It appears that you are not a member of redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-internal-pipelines/cki-trusted-contributors. This means that the automatic CI pipeline on your MR will fail. As getting testing is important, I'll be responsible for testing your changes. After every MR change, I'll start a small testing pipeline and link it here so you can follow the results.
Reviewers can start a full CI run by going into the "Pipelines" tab on this MR and clicking the "Run pipeline" button. A passing full run is required in order to integrate your changes.
You can find more details about the contributor setup, permission issues and how to resolve them in the CKI documentation.
Created 2024-03-14 18:13 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added CKIMissing CKI_ARKMissing labels
CKI Pipelines Status: CKIOK
Blocking pipelines
Successful pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKI_CentOSOK eln_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARKOK ark_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_DebugOK ark_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_16kOK ark_16k_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_16k_DebugOK ark_16k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_ClangOK ark_clang_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_Clang_DebugOK ark_clang_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_ClangLTOOK ark_clanglto_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_ARK_ClangLTO_DebugOK ark_clanglto_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RTOK eln_realtime_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_RT_DebugOK eln_realtime_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64kOK eln_64k_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_64k_DebugOK eln_64k_debug_merge_request was successful.
- CKI_DebugOK eln_debug_merge_request was successful.
Updated 2024-04-17 14:22 UTC by ckihook - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded External Contribution Limited CIrunning labels
Testing pipeline status: Limited testing pipeline:
https://gitlab.com/redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-public-pipelines/-/pipelines/1214011823 - created
Created 2024-03-14 18:13 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added DependenciesOK label
Affected subsystem(s): redhat
Requesting review of subsystem redhat with 1 required approval(s) from user(s) @clrkwllms @jwyatt-rh @jwilsonrh @dzickusrh @prarit @ezulian @hertonrk-rh @debarbos @jstancek @lgoncalv @jmflinuxtx @jfaracco
Created 2024-03-14 18:19 UTC by ack_nack - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added AcksNeedsReview Acks::redhatNeedsReview labels
ACK/NACK Summary: AcksOK
Approved by:
- Jan Stancek (jstancek)
- Prarit Bhargava (prarit)
- Patrick Talbert (ptalbert)
Satisfied Approvals:
- Approval Rule "redhat" already has 2 ACK(s) (2 required).
- Approval Rule "Blocked-by: ptalbert" already has 1 ACK(s) (1 required).
Merge Request has all necessary Approvals.
Updated 2024-04-18 18:55 UTC by ack_nack - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded MergeOK label
Mergeability Summary: MergeOK
This MR can be merged cleanly to its target branch.
Updated 2024-04-17 03:43 UTC by mergehook - KWF FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-workflow - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Edited by CKI KWF BotHi! This is the friendly CKI test bot.
It appears that you are not a member of redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-internal-pipelines/cki-trusted-contributors. This means that the automatic CI pipeline on your MR will fail. As getting testing is important, I'll be responsible for testing your changes. After every MR change, I'll start a small testing pipeline and link it here so you can follow the results.
Reviewers can start a full CI run by going into the "Pipelines" tab on this MR and clicking the "Run pipeline" button. A passing full run is required in order to integrate your changes.
You can find more details about the contributor setup, permission issues and how to resolve them in the CKI documentation.
Created 2024-03-14 21:21 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
Testing pipeline status: Limited testing pipeline:
https://gitlab.com/redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-public-pipelines/-/pipelines/1214190536 - created
Created 2024-03-14 21:21 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added CodeChangedv2 label
added CKIRunning CKI_64kRunning CKI_ARK_ClangLTO_DebugRunning CKI_ARK_DebugRunning CKI_RTRunning CKI_RT_DebugRunning labels and removed CKIMissing label
- Resolved by glb
Looks reasonable, I started full pipeline.
removed CKI_RT_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_64kRunning label
removed CKI_64k_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_CentOSRunning label
removed CKI_RTRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_16k_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_16kRunning label
removed CKI_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_ClangLTO_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_Clang_DebugRunning label
removed CKI_ARKRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_ClangRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_DebugRunning label
added CKIOK label and removed CKIRunning label
removed CKI_ARK_ClangLTORunning label
added Blocked label
added AcksBlocked label and removed AcksNeedsReview label
Hi! This is the friendly CKI test bot.
It appears that you are not a member of redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-internal-pipelines/cki-trusted-contributors. This means that the automatic CI pipeline on your MR will fail. As getting testing is important, I'll be responsible for testing your changes. After every MR change, I'll start a small testing pipeline and link it here so you can follow the results.
Reviewers can start a full CI run by going into the "Pipelines" tab on this MR and clicking the "Run pipeline" button. A passing full run is required in order to integrate your changes.
You can find more details about the contributor setup, permission issues and how to resolve them in the CKI documentation.
Created 2024-03-18 13:09 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added CKIMissing CKI_ARKMissing labels and removed CKIOK label
Testing pipeline status: Limited testing pipeline:
https://gitlab.com/redhat/red-hat-ci-tools/kernel/cki-public-pipelines/-/pipelines/1217681114 - created
Created 2024-03-18 13:09 UTC by limited_ci - CKI FAQ - Slack #team-kernel-cki - Source - Documentation - Report an issue
added CodeChangedv3 label and removed CodeChangedv2 label
removed Blocked label
added AcksNeedsReview label and removed AcksBlocked label
added CKIRunning CKI_64kRunning CKI_64k_DebugRunning CKI_ARKRunning CKI_ARK_ClangLTORunning CKI_ARK_DebugRunning CKI_CentOSRunning labels and removed CKIMissing CKI_ARKMissing labels
removed CKI_64kRunning label
removed CKI_RT_DebugRunning label