redhat: Remove editconfig
editconfig was written for RHEL8 when the world was a better place, the
Red Sox had a good team, and we all used to gather around the campfire
every evening and sing songs. But we don't live in that world. Today,
dogs are living with cats and we have so many more variants. That means
editconfig is horribly out-of-date and its existence is causing
contributors to think it is okay to run the script in RHEL9 and
Remove editconfig. It is old and outdated.
Signed-off-by: Prarit Bhargava
Merge request reports
added CKIRunning label
CKI Pipelines Status: CKIOK
Blocking pipelines
Completed pipelines
These pipelines have been completed successfully or have been waived.
- CKIOK ark_merge_request was successful
Last updated at 2023-05-04T19:09:26.
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded DependenciesOK label
added AcksNeedsReview label
ACK/NACK Summary: AcksOK
Approved by:
- Vladis Dronov (NefigTut)
Merge Request has all necessary Approvals.
Last updated at 2023-05-04T18:47:01.
Edited by CKI KWF Botmentioned in commit prarit/centos-stream-9@98938982
mentioned in merge request redhat/centos-stream/src/kernel/centos-stream-9!2470 (merged)
added CKI::Failedmerge label and removed CKIRunning label
added AcksOK label and removed AcksNeedsReview label
added 314 commits
82064016...04579269 - 313 commits from branch
- e0762269 - redhat: Remove editconfig
82064016...04579269 - 313 commits from branch
added CKIRunning label and removed CKI::Failedmerge label
added CKIOK readyForMerge labels and removed CKIRunning label
added MergeOK label
mentioned in commit 07e3d449
mentioned in commit redhat/centos-stream/src/kernel/centos-stream-9@3e7f11e7