redhat: fix kunit compiling error
The cpumask_kunit.ko file is still being included in the kernel build due to it being incorrectly named in the mod-internal.list file. This causes the depmod to fail.
Change test_cpumask to cpumask_kunit to fix this.
Signed-off-by: Nico Pache
Merge request reports
added DependenciesOK label
added CKIMissing CKI_AutomotiveMissing CKI_RTMissing labels
added CKIRunning label and removed CKIMissing label
requested review from @ahalaney, @caringi, @chwhite1, @clrkwllms, @debarbos, @dvlasenk, @dzickusrh, @frhr, @hertonrk-rh, @jfaracco, @jmflinuxtx, @jstancek, @jwilsonrh, @jwyatt-rh, @lgoncalv, @lleshchi, @lzampier, @ptalbert, @rvrbovsk, @scweaver, @swood3, and @tyberry
added AcksNeedsReview Acks::redhatNeedsReview labels
ACK/NACK Summary: NeedsReview
Required Approvals:
- Approval Rule "redhat" requires at least 1 ACK(s) (0 given) from set (ahalaney, caringi, clrkwllms, dvlasenk, dzickusrh, frhr, hertonrk-rh, jfaracco, jmflinuxtx, jstancek, jwilsonrh, lgoncalv, lzampier, ptalbert, rvrbovsk, scweaver, swood3).
Last updated at 2022-09-12T07:32:26.
Edited by CKI KWF Botadded CKIOK label and removed CKIRunning label
I am not sure why you are failing, or seeing what you are, the cpumask_kunit entry was added with MR !2000 (merged) the day that it changed upstream. I did not realize that it was a rename instead of a new test, so I did not delete the test_cpumask entry and simply appended at the bottom.