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redhat: indicate HEAD state in tarball/rpm name

Jarod Wilson requested to merge rhel-head-state into os-build

For the non-Fedora (RHEL) case, we are looking to move to a setup where we include Merge Requests as soon as they are ready, and thus the head of main may not always be a tagged build. This gives some indication to someone basing a build on main that they're basing their work on the tree at a state between tagged builds.

If HEAD is a tagged build, as usual, you should see: linux-4.18.0-374.el8.tar.xz kernel-4.18.0-374.el8.src.rpm

If HEAD has additional commits, with this change, you should see: linux-4.18.0-374.g797f.el8.tar.xz kernel-4.18.0-374.g797f.el8.src.rpm

The .gSHA field is the 4-char HEAD sha of the branch after adding your local changes.

This is directly related to:

Signed-off-by: Jarod Wilson

Edited by Jarod Wilson

Merge request reports