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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • Bug
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Other labels

  • Documentation
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Doing
    cip-project / cip-testing
  • Doing
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Done
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Feature
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Not Done
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • Release
    Tasks related with the release of a project or solution within CIP
  • Testing
    Testing related issues, actions, messages, code etc.
  • To Do
    cip-project / cip-testing
  • To Do
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
  • bug
    defects and bugs
  • event
    Events and conference related issues and tasks
  • incident
    cip-project / cip-testing / linux-cip-ci
    Denotes a disruption to IT services and the associated issues require immediate attention
  • maintenance
    Maintenance related actions, code, issues, mesages
  • management
    Project management related actions, code or messages