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  • Mark Fasheh's avatar
    ocfs2: serialize unaligned aio · a11f7e63
    Mark Fasheh authored and Joel Becker's avatar Joel Becker committed
    Fix a corruption that can happen when we have (two or more) outstanding
    aio's to an overlapping unaligned region.  Ext4
    ) and xfs recently had to fix
    similar issues.
    In our case what happens is that we can have an outstanding aio on a region
    and if a write comes in with some bytes overlapping the original aio we may
    decide to read that region into a page before continuing (typically because
    of buffered-io fallback).  Since we have no ordering guarantees with the
    aio, we can read stale or bad data into the page and then write it back out.
    If the i/o is page and block aligned, then we avoid this issue as there
    won't be any need to read data from disk.
    I took the same approach as Eric in the ext4 patch and introduced some
    serialization of unaligned async direct i/o.  I don't expect this to have an
    effect on the most common cases of AIO.  Unaligned aio will be slower
    though, but that's far more acceptable than data corruption.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarMark Fasheh <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarJoel Becker <>