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  • Matthew Fernandez's avatar
    API BREAK: move 'poly_inside' state into 'inside_t' · f84cb1db
    Matthew Fernandez authored
    This is a re-attempt of 2c4b2a53 and
    In contrast to the previous changes for `point_inside`, this does not make all
    the static variables members of `inside_t`. The simpler ones, `vertex` and
    `sides`, are just re-computed locally each time.
    This is not a completely robust fix. It is possible there are callers who
    (deliberately or inadvertently) zero the `inside_t` state every time they call
    into these functions with the same nodes, inadvertently thwarting the functions’
    state management. But there does not seem to be a better solution right now.
    Gitlab: re-fixes #2498
    Reported-by: default avatarZhi An Ng <>
    Suggested-by: default avatarStephen North <>