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  • v0.6.0
    Fenrir - 2020-12-18
    Support for on-chain progression of app channels.
    - On-chain progression: The channel watcher is now interactive and informs the
      client when a channel has been registered on-chain. If the channel has a
      defined app logic with a valid state transition logic, clients can
      individually progress the app state on-chain according to the defined state
      transition logic by calling `ProgressBy` on the channel object.
    - Settle with sub-channel disputes: Ledger channels can now be settled with
      funds locked in disputed sub-channels if the corresponding sub-channels have
      been registered and the disputes have been resolved on-chain.
    - The channel watcher logic changed. The channel watcher now takes as input an
      event handler which gets notified about on-chain channel events. Before, the
      watcher automatically settled a channel in case of a dispute. Now, the watcher
      will automatically detect if an old state has been registered, refute with the
      most recent one, and notify the user. If the channel has a defined application
      logic, the user can further progress the channel on-chain. It is within the
      responsibility of the framework user to finally settle the channel and
      withdraw the funds.
    - The channel settling logic changed. Before, a call to `Settle` on a channel
      object automatically registered the channel, concluded it, and withdrew the
      funds. Now, to accomodate on-chain progression functionality, the user must
      call `Register` independetly before being able to settle the channel.
      Afterwards, for app channels, the user has the opportunity to  progress the
      channel state on-chain by calling `ProgressBy`. Finally, the user can settle
      the channel by calling `Settle`.
    - `ContractBackend.NewTransactor` now sets the context on `TransactOpts`.
      Furthermore, parameter `value` has been removed.
    - Persistence: Sub-channels are now persisted and restored properly.
  • v0.5.2
    European Ecstasy - 2020-11-05
    ERC20 and Funding Agreement support and many test fixes.
    - Funding agreement support: when proposing channels, the proposer can now
      optionally suggest to reallocate the funding responsibilities among the
      participants so that it differs from the initial channel allocation.
    - ERC20 support.
    - A context-aware `WaitGroup` implementation to `pkg/sync`.
    - The `eth/wallet/hd.Transactor` to use the correct `types.Signer` if the
      `Wallet` has a correct `SignHash` method.
    - The Go version to 1.15.
    - Many timeouts in tests that made slow CI pipelines fail.
    - A bug in the Concurrent Tester.
    - The `Client` role tests to not deadlock so easily.
  • v0.4.2
    v0.4 fix release
    Check for NoApp in ethereum backend when converting apps into addresses.
  • v0.5.1
    Intermediate release to expose Ethereum Account on eth/wallet/hd.Account
  • v0.5.0
    Europa - 2020-10-17
    The Sub-Channels release, enabling fully generalized state channels.
    - Sub-Channels: run app-channels inside parent (ledger) channels.
    - Special `NoApp` for channels without app. Skips force-execution phase in
    - Optimized `Channel.SettleSecondary` settlement method for the responding
      settler during optimistic channel settlements. Avoids wasting gas by not
      sending unnecessary transactions.
    - `ErrorGatherer` type to `pkg/errors` package for errors accumulation.
    - Transactor abstraction to allow different wallet implementations for
      transaction sending in Ethereum backend.
    - App registry so that multiple apps can be used in a single program instance.
    - `channel.Update` to accept a `channel.State` instead of `channel.ChannelUpdate`.
      This simplifies the usage.
    - Contracts updated to handle sub-channels.
    - Contracts now have distinct dispute and force-execution phases.
    - Channel proposal protocol now uses shared nonce from all channel peers.
    - Channel peers persistence in key-value persistence backend.
  • v0.4.1
    Intermediate release for perun-node development.
    Changes and new features include:
    - Update of contracts to Solitidy 0.7.0 version.
    - `NoApp` and `NoData` for channels without app.
    - Proposal protocol now has shared nonce generation.
    - Optimized secondary settlements.
    - Channel.Update now only receives `State`, `ActorIdx` is automatically set
      to own index.
  • v0.4.0
  • v0.3.0
    Charon - 2020-05-29
    Added persistence module to persist channel state data and handle client
    shutdowns/restarts, as well as disconnects/reconnects.
    - Persistence:
      - Persister, Restorer, ChannelIterator interfaces to allow for multiple
        persistence implementations.
        - sortedkv implementation provided (in-memory and LevelDB).
      - States and signatures are constantly persisted while channels progress.
      - Clients restore all saved channels on startup. State is synchronized with peers.
      - `Client.OnNewChannel` callback registration to deal with restored
    - Wallet interface for account unlocking abstraction.
      - Used during persistence to restore secret keys for signing.
      - Implemented for the Ethereum and simulated backend.
    - Peer disconnect/reconnect handling.
    - `Channel.UpdateBy` functional channel update method for better usability.
    - License changed to Apache 2.0.
    - Replaced `Channel.ListenUpdates` and `Client.HandleChannelProposals` with
      `Client.Handle(ProposalHandler, UpdateHandler)` - a single common handler
      routine per client.
    - Adapted client to new persistence layer and wallet.
    - Made Ethereum interactions idempotent (increased safety).
    - Moved subpackage `db` to `pkg/sortedkv`.
    - Swapped Balance dimensions of type `channel.Allocation`.
    - Random type generators in package `channel/test` now accept options to
      customize random data generation.
    - Channels now get automatically closed when peers disconnect (and restored on reconnect).
    - Ethereum backend: No funding transactions for zero own initial channel balances.
  • v0.2.2
  • v0.2.1
  • v0.2.0
    Belinda - 2020-03-23
    Added direct disputes and watcher for two-party ledger channels, much polishing
    (refactors, bug fixes, documentation).
    - Ledger state channel disputes and watcher.
    - `channel.Adjudicator` interface and Ethereum implementation for registering
      channel states and withdrawing concluded channels.
    - [Ethereum contracts]( for disputes
    - Public [Github wiki](
    - [Godoc](
    - Changelog
    - [TravisCI](
    - [goreportcard](
    - [codeclimate](
    - TCP and unix socket `peer.Dialer` and `Listener` implementations.
    - `Eventually` tester in `pkg/test` to repeatedly run tests until they
    - Concurrent testing tool in `pkg/test` to be able to call `require` in tests
      with multiple go routines.
    - `client.New` now needs a `Funder` and `Adjudicator`, instead of a `Settler`.
    - `Serializable` renamed to `Serializer`.
    - Unified backend imports.
    - `pkg/io/test/bytewiseReader` to `iotest.OneByteReader`.
    - Improved peer message handling mechanism.
    - Consistent handling of `nil` arguments in exported functions.
    - Many refactors to improve the overall code quality and documentation.
    - Updated Ethereum contract bindings to newest version.
    - `wallet.Wallet` interface and `sim` backend implementation - it was never used.
    - `ethereum` and `sim/wallet.NewAddressFromBytes` - only `wallet.DecodeAddress`
      should be used to create an `Address` from bytes.
    - `channel/machine` Phase subscription logic.
    - `channel.Settler` interface and backend implementations - replaced by `Adjudicator`.
    - Reduced cyclomatic complexity of complex functions.
    - Deadlock in two-party payment channel test.
    - Ethereum backend test timeouts and instabilities.
    - Many minor bug fixes, mainly concurrency issues in tests.
  • v0.1.0