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Charon - 2020-05-29
Added persistence module to persist channel state data and handle client
shutdowns/restarts, as well as disconnects/reconnects.

- Persistence:
  - Persister, Restorer, ChannelIterator interfaces to allow for multiple
    persistence implementations.
    - sortedkv implementation provided (in-memory and LevelDB).
  - States and signatures are constantly persisted while channels progress.
  - Clients restore all saved channels on startup. State is synchronized with peers.
  - `Client.OnNewChannel` callback registration to deal with restored
- Wallet interface for account unlocking abstraction.
  - Used during persistence to restore secret keys for signing.
  - Implemented for the Ethereum and simulated backend.
- Peer disconnect/reconnect handling.
- `Channel.UpdateBy` functional channel update method for better usability.

- License changed to Apache 2.0.
- Replaced `Channel.ListenUpdates` and `Client.HandleChannelProposals` with
  `Client.Handle(ProposalHandler, UpdateHandler)` - a single common handler
  routine per client.
- Adapted client to new persistence layer and wallet.
- Made Ethereum interactions idempotent (increased safety).
- Moved subpackage `db` to `pkg/sortedkv`.
- Swapped Balance dimensions of type `channel.Allocation`.
- Random type generators in package `channel/test` now accept options to
  customize random data generation.
- Channels now get automatically closed when peers disconnect (and restored on reconnect).

- Ethereum backend: No funding transactions for zero own initial channel balances.