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Trigger release only for tagged versions

Tomasz Maczukin requested to merge update-ci-pipeline into master

Part of gitlab-org/gitlab-runner#3782 (closed)

This MR will ensure that releases are done only for tagged versions.

After this MR will be merged, to be sure that master isn't a source of new versions anymore, we should update the CHARGS_LIST file from project and remove gitlab-runner from there. Having this, the GitLab Runner Chart will be built and published by release_chart job after being triggered from this project, and then the pages job will skip this Chart, publishing only the updated index.yaml file. Such change is awaiting at charts/!134 (merged).

Additionally, it makes the lint job to be executed always. It's super fast, and I think it's worth to be 100% sure that chart's syntax is OK after merging to master, and especially - before we'll trigger the new release job.

Edited by Tomasz Maczukin

Merge request reports