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New features

    - Add :func:`space.Space.discrepancy` function in ``Space``,
    - Refactor :class:`space.Space`, :class:`uq.UQ`,
      :class:`space.Refiner` initiate without dictionnary,
    - Refactor :class:`surrogate.PC` and add options in
      settings: ``degree``, ``strategy`` (*Quad* or *LS*),
    - Add :func:`space.Refiner.discrepancy`, and
    - Add quality for every surrogate model,
    - Be able to bypass POD and surrogate in settings,
    - Surrogate facultative for UQ,
    - Add :mod:`visualization` with: Kiviat, DoE, HDR
    - and response_surface with block ``visualization`` in settings, *by Robin Campet*,
    - Add ``distributions`` in settings to set a distribution per parameter,
    - Add ``discrete`` in settings to tell the indice of the discrete paramter,
    - Add :class:`functions.Data` for datasets with some new ones,
    - Add optimized LHS, *by Vincent Baudoui*,
    - Add noise and kernel for Kriging in settings, *by Andrea Trucchia*,
    - Header is now a JSON file, *by Cyril Fournier*,
    - Concurrent CI, *by Cyril Fournier*,
    - pylint/pycodestyle for CI and Python2 on develop and master branches,
    - Add *about* section in doc.


    - Remove loops in predictors, ``zip``,
    - Backend overwright for matplotlib removed,
    - Remove ``otwrapy``,
    - JSON schema constrained for surrogate and sampling,
    - Refactor :class:`pod.Pod`,
    - Sobol' indices with ensemble,
    - Remove support for OpenTURNS < 1.8,
    - Add some options for :class:`functions.MascaretApi`,
    - Coverage and tests raised to 90%.

Bug fixes

    - Quality with multimodes with POD,
    - List in sampling settings,
    - Restart and restart from files,
    - Other file read with restart, *by Cyril Fournier*,
    - Variance and FAST,
    - Double prompt in python 2.7, *by Vincent Baudoui*,
    - DoE as list, *by Vincent Baudoui*,
    - Inputs mocking in tests,
    - DoE diagonal scaling,
    - :class:`functions.MascaretApi` ``multi_eval``,
    - Block indices,
    - Installation without folder being a git repository, *by Cyril Fournier*,
    - Fortran compilation, *by Cyril Fournier*,
    - Normalize output in :class:`surrogate.Kriging`.