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Search sign values permutation


Fixes for #596 (closed)


Enabled inscription search with sign-values permutation.

Type of PR This PR is a [feature].


  1. Update the inscriptions table in the database.(database_schema slack channel)
  2. Index 'advanced_artifacts' and 'inscriptions' JDBC from logstash.conf file.
  3. enable jtf-lib in config.dist.json
  4. update submodule by git submodule update --init --recursive
  5. build jtf-lib container through ./cdlidev -- build jtf-lib.
  6. In advanced search, search in Transliteration Permutation field (eg. muk) and verify results.


  • My pull request has a descriptive title (not a vague title like "Update").
  • My pull request targets the phoenix/develop branch of the repository.
  • My commit messages follow best practices.
  • My code follows the established code style of the repository.
  • I added tests for the changes I made (if applicable).
  • I added or updated documentation (if applicable).
  • I tried running the project locally and verified that there are no visible errors.

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