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Fuzzy Id's and keywords search fields


Fixes for #314 (closed) and #593 (closed) .


This PR includes adding Ids and keywords search fields to the framework. It also includes implementing fuzzy queries for Id's field.


I) Indexing advanced_artifacts index :
1.Change the schedule from 10 hours to 30 mins by commenting 10hrs schedule and uncommenting 30mins.
2.Enable logstash container.
3.Restart containers.
II) Test with any keyword in the keywords field.
III) Test with fuzzy ids such as A 1575 in both simple and advanced search in the fields related to Ids.


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  • My pull request targets the phoenix/develop branch of the repository.
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  • I added tests for the changes I made (if applicable).
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  • I tried running the project locally and verified that there are no visible errors.
Edited by Yashraj Desai

Merge request reports