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Linking authors to publications and editors to publications.


Partially addresses #122 (closed)


  • Set of features for linking authors to publications and editors to publications.
  • Removal of unnecessary files (mainly public files for the relation AuthorsPublications since this is an admin-only feature. Also, the removal of files related to PublicationsAuthors as it is wrongly added - actual table is authors_publications and accordingly AuthorsPublications files have been added).

Type of PR

Type of PR

This PR is a feature.


There are 3 ways for linking authors/editors to publications:

  1. Through the selected publication. (Authors/Editors can be linked to a particular publication through edit feature of that publication)
  2. Through the selected author/editor. (Publications can be linked to a particular author/editor through edit feature of that author/editor) 3.(Author) Through the view page for all links. (Any publication can be linked to any author through the edit feature) 4.(Editor) Through the view page for all links. (Any publication can be linked to any editor through the edit feature)

Authors-Publications linking has a similar structure.


Similarly, for Authors-Publications link:

  1. /admin/authors-publications/add/1/<publication_id>
  2. /admin/authors-publications/add/2/<author_id>
  3. /admin/authors_publications
  4. /admin/editors_publications

Note - The features are made based on the modified database structure cdli_db_final_schema. For testing, load the authors_publications and editors_publications tables from the new database.

The features are ready for testing.

Edited by Ajit Jadhav

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